6 research outputs found

    Prototyping and calibration of a low-cost stroboscope: an educational experiment in mechatronics

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    In the industry is very common the applying of resources and machines for implementation of the processes and creation of the products. For this reason, the measurement and control of such processes are essential to achieve better performance, efficiency, and consequently best quality, as well as, monitor the operation of the equipment, identify failures and ensure the security for the industry and the employees. The measure instruments are the set of tools used with the objective of obtaining data about the particular processes. In general, these devices measure features like pressure, temperature, velocity, humidity, vibration, and are widely applied in machines such as motors, heaters, reactors, refrigerators, air conditioners, compressors, ovens, and other equipment. It’s important to obtain the periodic calibration of these instruments so that the results obtained through them be reliable and accurate [1]

    Prototyping of a low-cost stroboscope to be applied in condition maintenance: an open hardware and software approach

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    This paper aims to develop a low-cost stroboscope, which consists of an optical equipment capable of generating flashes of light at different frequencies, allowing to measure the rotation velocity of machines and contributing to maintenance processes in the industry. This device is based on the stroboscopic effect, a visual event that occurs when a continuous movement is presented by a series of samples, generated by flashes of light. When the frequency of the rotation movement is the same frequency of light pulses, the process will appear stationary. Based on the high cost of the commercial stroboscopes, it was developed a stroboscope prototype based on the Arduino platform, LED technology and 3D printing with an open hardware and software. The final prototype went through calibration and validation processes, achieving a performance very similar to a commercial instrument.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia with in the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Systematic mapping literature review of mobile robotics competitions

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    This paper presents a systematic mapping literature review about the mobile robotics competitions that took place over the last few decades in order to obtain an overview of the main objectives, target public, challenges, technologies used and final application area to show how these competitions have been contributing to education. In the review we found 673 papers from 5 different databases and at the end of the process, 75 papers were classified to extract all the relevant information using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. More than 50 mobile robotics competitions were found and it was possible to analyze most of the competitions in detail in order to answer the research questions, finding the main goals, target public, challenges, technologies and application area, mainly in education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stochastic modeling of a time of flight sensor to be applied in a mobile robotics application

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    In this paper it is presented the stochastic modeling of a time of flight sensor, to be applied in a mobile robotics application. The sensor was configured to provide data at a frequency of 30 Hz, obtaining a tradeoff between reactiveness and accuracy. The sensor data was acquired using a microcontroller development board, being the sensor moved with a manipulator, in order to assure repeatability and accuracy in the data acquisition process. The sensor was modeled having in mind the targets color, ranging from black to white for the working range, its variance, standard deviation, offset, means and errors measures were estimated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educational robotics summer camp at IPB

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    Robotics in education has special relevance in current digital society where students should know how to deal with technology. In this paper, it is presented an educational experiment in the mobile robotics domain. The referred experiment was part of a summer camp, which took place at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Portugal, being its technological aspects related with mobile robotics. Other than the technological aspects, the students participated in many different cultural and social activities, having the opportunity to know the city of Bragança and also to know different persons, mainly students, professors, researchers and laboratory technicians. The applied approach in the summer camp was a challenge based learning methodology, being involved in the experiment 3 professors, 4 monitors, working with a group of 16 secondary school students. The described experiment was planned as an activity of the RoboSTEAM - Integrating STEAM and Computational Thinking development by using robotics and physical devices ERASMUS+ Project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Emídio Garcia school pilot description: a robosteam Erasmus+ project activity based on a challenge based learning approach

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    In this paper it is described a Pilot that took place at Emídio Garcia School from Bragança, Portugal. The presented Pilot is based on a Challenge based Learning Approach, being an activity of the RoboSTEAM - Integrating STEAM and Computational Thinking development by using robotics and physical devices - ERASMUS+ Project. In the presented educational experiment it were used physical devices, being chosen the mBot robot, programmed using Scratch. The presented challenges had as research question a global problem that was Wildfires. Student had to propose and to develop solutions based on the use of robots to prevent and fight wildfires. The students that participated in the experiment were secondary school students, from Spain and Portugal, with their background in technology and arts respectively. Previously to the experiment the involved students filled a STEM semantic Survey and during the experiments their performance was evaluated.This paper is supported by ROBOSTEAM Erasmus+ KA201 Project with reference 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050939info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio